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Upcoming Events


In accordance with Act 84 of 1986, public meetings of the Allentown School District School Board of Directors will be held in the Administration Center in the Board Room,  31 S. Penn Street, Allentown, PA 18105. 

Each Board meeting follows a set agenda that is available prior to the start of each meeting. The agenda may be picked up at the table on the right as you enter the boardroom. It is also available online via BoardDocs.


In accordance with Act 84 of 1986, public meetings of the Allentown School District School Board of Directors will be held in the Administration Center in the Board Room,  31 S. Penn Street, Allentown, PA 18105. 

Each Board meeting follows a set agenda that is available prior to the start of each meeting. The agenda may be picked up at the table on the right as you enter the boardroom. It is also available online via BoardDocs.


In accordance with Act 84 of 1986, public meetings of the Allentown School District School Board of Directors will be held in the Administration Center in the Board Room,  31 S. Penn Street, Allentown, PA 18105. 

Each Board meeting follows a set agenda that is available prior to the start of each meeting. The agenda may be picked up at the table on the right as you enter the boardroom. It is also available online via BoardDocs.



message from the principal


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